• Selective Check-up

    STI Select for 3 STIs

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    Test for:

    ✓ HIV

    ✓ Epatite C

    ✓ Sifilide

    For whom is the test suitable?

    ✓ Ideal for targeted testing for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis C


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  • Basic Check-up

    STI Basic per 4 STIs

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    Test for:

    ✓ Chlamydia
    ✓ Gonorrea (gonorrea)
    ✓ Trichomonas
    ✓ Mycoplasma genitalium

    For whom is the test suitable?

    ✓ For general prevention
    ✓ Low risk of infection


    Learn More 

Sexual health sampling kits

Kurz gesagt: DoctorBox bietet dir eine stressfreie, diskrete und sichere Möglichkeit, deine Gesundheit im Blick zu behalten – mit zertifizierter Laborauswertung und voller Kontrolle über deine Daten.

Zur Übersicht aller Tests!

Your test result in the DoctorBox app

Clear and with concrete recommendations for action to optimize your health. So you always have important blood values ​​at hand and can share them directly with your doctor.

Scan barcode

Scan the barcode and you've already linked your test ID to your health account.

Stay up to date

View the current status of your home test at any time.

Your test result at a glance

In the overview you can see whether your values ​​are within the reference range.

Your test result in detail

You will find explanations and specific recommendations for action for each value.

Optimize your own health with a home test

Easy sampling

Whether blood, urine, stool or saliva sample, the DoctorBox home tests are convenient, easy and can be carried out without pain.

Comfortably from home

You can carry out the self-test at home discreetly and in a time-saving manner.

Concrete health tips

Based on the laboratory analysis, you will receive recommendations for action on how to improve your health.

Professional analysis in the laboratory

Your sample will be evaluated in a medical laboratory.

Delivered securely

Your test result will be sent end-to-end encrypted to your DoctorBox app.

Ergebnisse bei Bedarf teilen

Direkte Einsicht in deine Werte – teile sie bei Bedarf sicher mit Ärzt:innen.


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